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  • How to read H. pylori test results?

    Date : 2024.09.18


    Helicobacter pylori, commonly referred to as H. pylori, is a type of bacteria that infects the lining of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine. While many individuals remain asymptomatic, this bacterium can cause significant digestive issues, including peptic ulcers and gastritis. Diagnosing an H. pylori infection requires specific medical tests. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to read H. pylori test results, with a detailed look into various test methods, interpretation of results, and subsequent steps for treatment.

    Different Types of H. pylori Tests

    ● Overview of Test Methods

    Testing for H. pylori involves different methodologies, each designed to identify the presence of the bacteria in the body. The most common tests include breath tests, stool tests, and endoscopy. Understanding each method’s functionality and accuracy is essential for interpreting test results accurately.

    ● Breath Tests

    Breath tests, particularly the urea breath test, are widely used for H. pylori detection. This test involves ingesting a urea solution labeled with a special carbon atom. In the presence of H. pylori, urea is broken down, releasing the labeled carbon atom, which can then be detected in the breath.

    ● Stool Tests

    Stool tests check for the presence of H. pylori antigens in a patient's stool sample. The H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test Cassette is a commonly used tool for this purpose. These tests are non-invasive and provide quick results.

    ● Endoscopy

    In cases where other tests are inconclusive, or if a tissue sample is required, an endoscopy might be performed. This procedure involves inserting a thin tube through the mouth to the stomach to collect tissue samples for analysis.

    When to Get Tested for H. pylori

    ● Symptoms Indicating a Need for Testing

    H. pylori infections are often asymptomatic, but certain symptoms can signal a need for testing. These include persistent stomach pain, bloating, nausea, frequent belching, and unexplained weight loss. Severe symptoms such as vomiting blood or black, tarry stools indicate a need for immediate medical attention.

    ● Risk Factors for H. pylori Infection

    Individuals with a family history of stomach cancer, those living in crowded or unsanitary conditions, and people consuming contaminated food or water are at higher risk of H. pylori infection and should consider testing.

    Understanding Breath Test Results

    ● How a Breath Test Works

    During a breath test, the patient ingests a urea solution labeled with a special carbon atom. After a specified time, the patient breathes into a container. If H. pylori is present, the bacteria will metabolize the urea, releasing carbon dioxide labeled with the special carbon atom, which can be detected in the breath sample.

    ● Interpreting Positive and Negative Results

    A negative breath test result suggests the absence of an H. pylori infection. Conversely, a positive result indicates an active infection, requiring a treatment plan involving antibiotics and other medications to eradicate the bacteria.

    Stool Test Results Explained

    Types of

    ● Stool Tests

    Two main types of stool tests for H. pylori include antigen tests and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests. The H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test Cassette is a popular choice for antigen testing, providing quick and reliable results.

    ● Interpreting Antigen and PCR Test Results

    Antigen tests detect proteins specific to H. pylori in stool samples. A positive result indicates an ongoing infection, while a negative result suggests the absence of the bacteria. PCR tests detect H. pylori's genetic material, offering highly accurate results.

    ● Endoscopy

    and Biopsy Findings

    ● Procedure Details

    An endoscopy involves using a thin, flexible tube with a camera to examine the stomach lining and the first part of the small intestine. Biopsy samples can be taken during this procedure to test for H. pylori.

    ● Significance of Biopsy Results

    Biopsy samples are analyzed for the presence of H. pylori and other potential causes of symptoms. A positive result confirms an H. pylori infection, while a negative result may require further tests to identify other causes of digestive issues.

    Preparing for H. pylori Testing

    ● Medications to Avoid

    Before undergoing H. pylori testing, certain medications such as antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, and bismuth preparations may need to be discontinued for two weeks to a month. These can interfere with test results, leading to false negatives.

    ● Fasting Requirements

    For breath tests and endoscopies, fasting (not consuming any food or drinks) for several hours prior to the test is usually required. This ensures accurate results and reduces the risk of complications during the procedure.

    Risks and Complications of Testing

    ● Risks Associated with Each Test Type

    While H. pylori tests are generally safe, there are minimal risks involved. Breath and stool tests pose no significant risks.

    ● Endoscopy

    , however, may cause discomfort or, in rare cases, more serious complications like tears in the intestine or bleeding at the biopsy site.

    ● Mitigating Discomfort and Complications

    Discomfort during endoscopy can be minimized with sedatives and local anesthetics. Following the recommended preparation guidelines can also reduce the risk of complications and ensure accurate results.

    What Positive Results Mean

    ● Next Steps After a Positive Test

    A positive H. pylori test result necessitates a treatment plan to eradicate the infection. Your healthcare provider will typically prescribe a combination of antibiotics and other medications to treat the infection and alleviate symptoms.

    ● Treatment Options Available

    Common treatment regimens include a combination of antibiotics like clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and metronidazole along with proton pump inhibitors to reduce stomach acid and promote healing of the stomach lining.

    Post-Treatment Follow-Up

    ● Importance of Repeat Testing

    After completing the treatment, follow-up testing is crucial to ensure that the H. pylori infection has been successfully eradicated. This reduces the risk of recurrence and allows for early detection of any remaining bacteria.

    ● Monitoring for Recurrence of Symptoms

    Patients who have been treated for H. pylori should remain vigilant for recurring symptoms. Regular follow-up with healthcare providers and prompt testing if symptoms reappear can help manage the condition effectively.

    Understanding the H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test Cassette

    ● What is the H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test Cassette?

    The H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test Cassette is a diagnostic tool used to detect H. pylori antigens in stool samples. This rapid test provides quick results, making it a popular choice for initial screening and post-treatment follow-up.

    ● Wholesale Opportunities for Healthcare Providers

    Healthcare providers and diagnostic centers can benefit from purchasing the H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test Cassette in bulk. Wholesale options are available, ensuring cost-effective solutions for large-scale testing initiatives.

    ● Manufacturers and Suppliers

    Several manufacturers specialize in producing the H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test Cassette. Identifying a reliable H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test Cassette manufacturer and supplier ensures the availability of high-quality testing kits for accurate diagnosis.


    Accurate diagnosis of H. pylori infections is crucial for effective treatment and management. From breath tests to stool tests and endoscopy, understanding the various test methods and their results helps in tailoring the most appropriate treatment plans. The H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test Cassette, manufactured by leading companies, offers an efficient and reliable diagnostic tool for healthcare providers.

    About Clongene Biotech

    Founded in 2004, Hangzhou Clongene Biotech Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in providing biological raw materials, diagnostic reagents, and CRO/CDMO services. With 20 years of experience in the diagnostic industry, we are committed to providing high-quality products and professional technical services. Clongene has a global reach, with products sold in over 100 countries, and is dedicated to bringing more opportunities to distributors and partners worldwide.